About 15% of the population in Germany suffer from various anxiety disorders. Women more frequently than men. Anxiety disorders are among the most common mental illnesses in Germany.

What can be the typical symptoms of an anxiety disorder:

  • Palpitations or racing heart
  • Dizziness
  • Fast and shallow breathing
  • Nausea, vomiting or diarrhea
  • Muscular tension
  • Feelings of trepidation
  • Narrowing of attention to the source of anxiety, mental blockade up to blackout

All of a sudden the body fails. This experience can be frightening, especially when no obvious physical cause is found. If these symptoms occur more frequently, one speaks of a “psychogenic syncope”. It is a phenomenon that shows how closely body and mind are connected. Anxiety becomes a constant companion in everyday life and often worsens symptoms and shortens the intervals between anxiety attacks.

How can therapy help me?

In therapy, the therapist will first explore with you the cause of your anxiety disorder.

Does it come from:

Emotional stress: traumatic experiences, stressful interpersonal relationships, or serious events can cause reactions such as anxiety, stress, sadness, or anger, which in turn can lead to psychogenic syncope.

Conflict situations: Whether in the family, at work or in social interactions – conflicts can lead to strong emotional stress and thus show themselves physically.

Phobias and panic attacks: People who suffer from phobias or panic disorders are significantly more prone to an anxiety disorder when confronted with their fears.

Traumatic events: People who have had serious experiences such as abuse, violence, or accidents. Here, the mental balance may be disturbed.

Stressful life circumstances: Even very general stresses of everyday life, such as financial worries, professional pressure, relationship problems or chronic stress can increase the risk of an anxiety disorder, especially if they occur more frequently within a short period of time.

What can I personally do for myself if I recognize these symptoms in myself?

  • Relaxation techniques
  • Lifestyle adaptation
  • Obtain social support

can be helpful here.

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  • About 15% of the population in Germany suffer from various anxiety disorders. Women more frequently than men. Anxiety disorders are among the most common mental illnesses in Germany. [...]